News Release
Presiding Judge Susan Baker Ross
Summit County Court of Common Pleas

Date: October 22, 2024
Contact: Deniela T Williams
Public Information Officer & Community Relations Liaison
Summit County Court of Common Pleas General Division Judges Host Art Contest for High School Students Grades 9-12
Themed “The Importance of Jury Duty.”
Summit County, Ohio: The Judges of the Common Pleas General Division hosted an art contest for high school students, grades 9 -12 highlighting “The Importance of Jury Duty.” Local students were asked to create artwork as a drawing, painting or mixed-media that can be hung on the Jury Room wall if framed (sized 8”x10” up to 20”x24”). The artwork will be judged by a diverse committee of local artists, community leaders and elected officials on Friday, October 25th. A point system will be assigned based on each student’s creativity, craftsmanship and theme alignment.
Winners will be announced and 1st ($500.00), 2nd ($350.00) and 3rd place ($150.00) prizes will be awarded at a Courthouse reception on October 30th from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. The public is invited.
This contest is part of a larger project to promote awareness of jury duty and the American justice system in partnership with the Akron Bar Association and America 250.
America 250 is a non-partisan initiative working to engage Americans in commemorating the 250th anniversary of our country. It is a multi-year effort, from now through July 4, 2026 that encourages every American to pause and reflect on our nation’s past, and to look ahead toward the future we want to create for the next generation and beyond.
In response to these efforts, Presiding Judge Susan Baker Ross said “The Court of Common Pleas considers it a privilege to work with America 250 and the Akron Bar Association to promote awareness of our Justice system, specifically as it relates to jury duty. We are grateful for the monetary contributions of both entities. We are also grateful for the schools, students, local artists, elected officials and community leaders who participated in this project. Our efforts to serve the public are always greater and our impact always stronger when we connect and collaborate within our respective communities. I look forward to the extraordinary results of our joint efforts.”
For more information about the contest or reception, please contact Dee Williams. For additional information about the Akron Bar Association and/or America 250, please visit and/or respectively.
Deniela T. Williams
Public Information Officer & Community Relations Liaison
Summit County Court of Common Pleas-General Division
209 S. High Street, Akron, Ohio 44308
Press Release